Ubuntu 7349-1: RAR Security Advisory Updates

13.03.2025 05:02 Several security issues were fixed in RAR.

Debian: DSA-5877-1: chromium Security Advisory Updates

13.03.2025 05:02 Security issues were discovered in Chromium which could result in the execution of arbitrary code, denial of service, or information disclosure.

openSUSE: 2025:14871-1 moderate: podman-5.4.0-3.1 Advisory Security Update

13.03.2025 05:02 

Ubuntu 7350-1: UnRAR Security Advisory Updates

13.03.2025 05:02 Several security issues were fixed in UnRAR.

openSUSE: 2025:0090-1 important: ark Advisory Security Update

13.03.2025 05:02 An update that fixes one vulnerability is now available.

openSUSE: 2025:0089-1 important: chromium Advisory Security Update

13.03.2025 05:02 An update that fixes four vulnerabilities is now available.

Mageia 2025-0095: python-django Security Advisory Updates

12.03.2025 19:15 An issue was discovered in Django 5.1 before 5.1.7, 5.0 before 5.0.13, and 4.2 before 4.2.20. The django.utils.text.wrap method and wordwrap template filter are subject to a potential denial-of-service attack when used with very long strings.

Mageia 2025-0094: python-jinja2 Security Advisory Updates

12.03.2025 19:15 Jinja sandbox breakout through attr filter selecting format method. References: - https://bugs.mageia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=34081

Ubuntu 7345-1: .NET Security Advisory Updates

12.03.2025 19:15 .NET could be made to elevate privileges.

Ubuntu 7346-1: OpenSC Security Advisory Updates

12.03.2025 19:15 Several security issues were fixed in opensc.

Ubuntu 7343-1: Jinja2 Security Advisory Updates

12.03.2025 19:15 Several security issues were fixed in Jinja2.

SUSE: 2025:0845-1 moderate: iniparser Security Advisory Updates

12.03.2025 19:15 * bsc#1237377 Cross-References: * CVE-2025-0633

Fedora 41: vyper 2025-c7fae57601 Security Advisory Updates

12.03.2025 09:16 Vyper ver. 0.4.1 Another one small fix Fix for a few known issues

Fedora 41: thunderbird 2025-bd6664e83b Security Advisory Updates

12.03.2025 09:16 Update to 128.8.0 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2025-18/ https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/128.8.0esr/releasenotes/

Fedora 40: vyper 2025-77c63e7236 Security Advisory Updates

12.03.2025 09:16 Vyper ver. 0.4.1 Another one small fix Fix for a few known issues